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Changtui X is about to launch an internal trading platform? An article speculates on Musk’s ‘Twitter Renaissance Plan

Original author @Bitturing Original source Twitter Note The original text is from a lengthy tweet posted by @Bitturing. Exciting announcement X is about to…

Bankless Analysis of the Spread Risk of Curve Attack Incident

Kate, Marsbit Note This article is from @BanklessHQ on Twitter, which is B...

Long Push: 7 potential projects in LayerZero ecosystem that are worth paying attention to

Original author: Defi Old Village Chief Source: Twitter Note: This article is from @Defilaocunzhang on Twitter, who is a crypto KOL. The original tweet…

Long push: A must-read for investors, understand the sectors and projects that are about to boom again in just 3 minutes.

Original author: @althunter31 Source: Twitter Note: This tweet from @althunter31 discusses the potential wealth opportunities in the cryptocurrency market through sector rotation. --- 任何一次板块轮动都是币圈的财富密码,而板块轮动的节奏一旦打开,就会像多米诺骨牌一样持续发酵。对于币圈投资者来说,抓住板块轮动的机会,选择有潜力的币种,是获取高收益的重要途径。因此,不仅需要对市场有较为敏锐的洞察力,还需要及时关注行业动态,把握市场脉搏。…

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