Maverick Protocol launches its first season of the ecosystem incentive program, providing incentives to early adopters and ecosystem builders.

DeFi infrastructure Maverick Protocol announced the launch of the Maverick Ecosystem Incentive Program, aimed at incentivizing activities and contributions that promote the development of the Maverick ecosystem. The program will utilize MAV tokens distributed through liquidity mining and airdrops, and is planned to be deployed quarterly. Maverick has already launched the first season of the Ecosystem Incentive Program, which guides liquidity using Maverick’s ve model and incentivizes early participants and ecosystem builders. Users can stake MAV to receive veMAV, which can be used for voting and guiding community and ecosystem incentives. User participation in any LP activity on Maverick and providing liquidity will be recorded and counted towards the first season rewards, which will be distributed on the day Maverick’s ve model enters its second phase. Additionally, Maverick has already taken a snapshot of wallets participating in the ecosystem pre-season on June 23 at 04:00 Beijing time, and users can verify their eligibility and claim their rewards on the Maverick website.


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