Zero-knowledge identity oracle provider zkMe completes $2 million Pre-Seed funding round, with participation from Circle Venture and others.

Zero-knowledge identity oracle zkMe has completed a $2 million Pre-Seed funding round, with participation from Circle Venture, Spartan Group, CMS Holdings, Fenbushi Capital, NGC Ventures, Arkstream Capital, and others. The company plans to use the new funds to accelerate development and complete mainnet testing and customer registration within one month. ZkMe provides on-chain anonymous user verification to enhance security and privacy, allowing users to encrypt their data and use ZKP to prove their claims on their own devices to effectively verify their eligibility while protecting privacy and security. Additionally, zkMe’s zero-knowledge KYC enables institutions to participate in DeFi while meeting compliance standards, playing a crucial role in ensuring that verified users can access financial services in licensed DeFi ecosystems.


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