Following the SIM swapping attack, FTX customers are targeted by withdrawal phishing emails.

Author: Shaurya Malwa, CoinDesk; Translation: Song Xue, LianGuai

After months of exchange shutdown, FTX customers continue to suffer, leaving millions of users unable to access billions of funds stored in this disgraced exchange.

Following a week of SIM card swapping attacks that affected the claims agent Kroll in bankruptcy proceedings, the FTX registered email addresses of some early users have been subjected to new phishing attacks. This attack exposed customers’ personal information, such as account balances, phone numbers, and home addresses.

It is reported that customer data from other bankrupt cryptocurrency companies Genesis and lending institution BlockFi was also leaked in this attack. Cryptocurrency account passwords and other sensitive data were not affected, but customers were warned to be wary of scammers impersonating bankruptcy parties.

However, whoever holds this information goldmine will seize the opportunity to create hopeful emails aimed at returning the lost funds to the holders, provided that they first connect their crypto wallets to the accounts.

An email sent to several FTX creditors states, “You have been identified as an eligible customer and can begin withdrawing digital assets from your FTX account.” “Withdrawals will be made in the form of USDC, matching the digital asset balance you held in your wallet when the platform was paused.”

The phishing email states, “You can now withdraw your crypto assets to an external ERC20 wallet by clicking the withdrawal button.”

Connecting wallets to such phishing emails can deplete someone’s token holdings, primarily because it may require private key data for transfers.

When scammers contact your mobile operator and trick them into activating a SIM card owned by the scammer, a SIM swap occurs. The scammers then target the phone number and use the victim’s information to steal passwords, financial data, cryptocurrencies, and other valuable items.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, FTX announced that it has taken “precautionary measures to temporarily freeze affected users’ accounts within the customer claims portal.” The claims portal is an official platform where creditors can submit detailed information about their accounts.

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