Coca-Cola deploys the Masterpiece NFT series based on Base.

Author: MARTIN YOUNG, COINTELEGRAPH; Translation: Song Xue, LianGuai

The world’s largest soft drink brand is delving into the study of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and launching its first series on the Coinbase Layer 2 network, Base.

On August 13th, Coinbase announced the launch of a new Coca-Cola series as part of its “Onchain Summer” event.

“Coca-Cola is putting their Global Masterpiece campaign on the blockchain with iconic works from leading artists,” it stated.

Edvard Munch’s “The Scream”. Source:

The Global Masterpiece series brings together classic works such as Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” and new works by emerging artists, “all intertwined with the iconic Coca-Cola bottle.”

Coca-Cola’s NFT project is one of the larger consumer brands to announce a partnership with Base so far. Other digital collectible projects expected to launch this month include Zora, Pixelmon, Showtime, and Indelible.

Reddit Collectible Avatars Reach 20 Million Milestone

Reddit NFTs minted on the Polygon Layer 2 network have surpassed the 20 million milestone, with over 16.3 million NFT holders in total.

According to data from Dune Analytics, the cumulative sales volume of Reddit Collectible Avatars NFTs has exceeded $40 million.

Reddit’s collectible avatar version 4, named “Retro Reimagined,” was launched on July 27th, and version 3 has accumulated sales transactions of over $3.4 million.

Reddit Collectible Avatars statistics. Source: Dune Analytics

On August 13th, Polygon founder Sandeep Nailwal stated, “Mainstream products in the Polygon ecosystem are quietly hitting the ‘magical inflection point’ of growth, such as Reddit Avatars, DraftKings NFTs, or Nike dotSWOOSH.”

New Bruce Lee Animation Has NFT Vibes

A new animation project based on the late martial artist Bruce Lee has been announced, with speculation that it may incorporate an NFT angle.

The new anime series, titled “House of Lee,” is expected to be released in 2024. It has received recognition from Bruce Lee’s daughter Shannon and the Bruce Lee Estate.

However, as noted on August 13th, viewers noticed that the animation studio, Shockunit, is known for NFT-based projects and the animation artist is a successful NFT animator named Emily Yang from China.

The producer is a company called Shibuya, which also operates a platform for crowdfunding projects through NFT sales. In April of this year, they minted an NFT series called “House of Lee: Genesis” and sold 49,000 NFTs, raising over $700,000.

According to the report, the animation is intended to promote the series, and the price of the series’ NFTs has dropped from $15 to around $6 to $10.

The trailer for “Dragon Fight” showcases an animation produced by Bruce Lee in an old-fashioned cartoon style, where he practices martial arts and transforms into a dragon.

Grimes Thrives with NFTs

Canadian musician, singer, songwriter, and record producer Claire Boucher (professionally known as Grimes) stated that she has made more money selling NFTs than she has in her entire music career.

During the bull market and NFT boom in 2021, Grimes sold her “War Nymph” NFT on the Nifty marketplace, earning approximately $6 million in revenue.

In an interview with Wired on August 8th, Grimes mentioned that NFTs have “changed her life” and added, “I am sad about what happened with NFTs and cryptocurrencies because people tried to make as much money as possible, and it quickly became corrupted.”

“But I do want to think about compensating artists, especially digital artists. I hope we can come back when the hate-niche market disappears.”

Other Exciting News

According to financial disclosures released last month, former US President Donald Trump holds assets ranging from $250,000 to $500,000 in a cryptocurrency wallet. These assets seem to be related to a series of self-proclaimed NFTs he promoted after leaving the White House.

On August 9th, the Columbia Broadcasting System Studio filed an application to use the name “Star Trek Continuum” for NFTs and digital collectibles. The series is a collection of customizable starships from the popular science fiction novel universe adventures.

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