Lookonchain: A Super MEME Coin Hunter with a Win Rate of 63.5%

Lookonchain shared a super MEME coin hunter who earned 562.64 ETH (1.06 million USD) last month. This person traded a total of 104 tokens in the past month, of which 66 were profitable, with a win rate of 63.5%.

He earned 189.5 ETH (345,306 USD, 4x returns) on RFD and 127 ETH (248,697 USD, 32x returns) on PEPE. He is good at cutting losses and lost a maximum of 6 ETH (11,306 USD) on RIBBIT.

Comparing the purchase costs, we can see that this SmartMoney is very skilled at finding potential tokens and making significant investments. For example, he spent 45 ETH (81,500 USD) to buy 74.5 billion RFD tokens and sold 71.3 billion RFD tokens for 234.5 ETH (427,000 USD), realizing a profit of 189.5 ETH (345,000 USD).

Reference: https://twitter.com/lookonchain/status/1660911491145670656

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