How Web3, Web4, and Web5 Internet Develop over Time

Table of Contents

What is Web3?

  • Web 1.0 – World Wide Web

  • Web 2.0 – The Writing and Participatory Web

  • Web 3.0 – The Semantic Execution Web

Why is Web 3.0 special?

  • Why is Web3 less decentralized?

  • Reasons why Web3 is not completely decentralized

  • Web 4.0 – Internet of Everything

  • What do we see in Web4? Where are the opportunities in Web 4.0?

  • Why is Web4 more decentralized?

  • Web 5.0 – Open, Linked, Intelligent Network = Emotional Network

Comparison: Web3 and Web5

  • When will Web5 be available to the public?

  • Web5 is the decentralized internet we need

In the early days of the internet, simple hypertext was used, but the network quickly evolved into more complex technologies. It paved the way for more complex networks and steadily increased the range of online content.

Next came Web 2.0. The term “Web2” was coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999. This platform prioritized user-generated content, simplicity, community, and information sharing. Social networking and real-time information exchange were its core features.

Web3 goes a step further by unifying all connected devices under one protective umbrella. The term was first used by Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum, in 2014. With Web3, users can freely exchange information without worrying about unnecessary leaks or privacy infringements.

What is Web3?

Web3 is a decentralized network where information belongs to its users. Here, people can meet and share ideas without the censorship and surveillance that plague the current internet. This means that users can confidently share information with each other without worrying about platforms sharing information with third parties without their knowledge or consent.

Web3 is widely expected to be the next major version of the World Wide Web and its release has garnered significant attention. Its main goal is to simplify the process for developers to create decentralized web applications (DWA) using credentials that can be independently verified and distributed to web nodes. The system adopts distributed identifiers to reclaim control and ownership of data, which is different from the current system where intermediaries control identifiers.

01. Web 1.0 – World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee described the original version of the internet (referred to as Web 1.0) as essentially a “read-only web.” Early internet users could search and access results. There was a need for more participation and content creation from the audience.

02. Web 2.0 – The Writing and Participatory Web

Web 2.0 emerged to address the situation where users were not actively participating online. LiveJournal (launched in April 1999) and Blogger (launched in August 1999) were two major contributors to the emerging read-write movement of that time. In this era of numerous blogging platforms, even the least tech-savvy users could engage in online discussions and make meaningful contributions. According to Berners-Lee’s definition, users of the “read-write” web (or Web 2.0) could contribute content and engage in two-way communication. The internet has undergone significant changes because of people like you. There is also untapped potential there. Web 2.0 has opened its arms to satisfy users’ desire for ownership and voice in the content they access on the web.

Blogs, social media, and online video streaming have given ordinary users more control in this era. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can publish your work. Twitter, YouTube, EzineArticles, Flickr, and Facebook are just a few of the most notable innovations of Web 2.0.

Different people have different views on what Web 2.0 is and how it should be used.

03.Web 3.0 – Semantic Execution Network

The definition of “Web 3.0” may be the first topic discussed in any comprehensive discourse. It is one of the simplest questions about web3, but the answer is surprisingly complex. A common misunderstanding about web3 is that it is the third iteration of the World Wide Web or the Internet. One of the best ways to understand the meaning of “web3” is to review the history of the network.

Web 1.0 was the first generation of the Internet, primarily a “read-only” medium that only displayed information and did not allow user interaction. Web 1.0 lacked any interactive experience functionality, with the shopping cart being its only interactive feature. Web 3.0 builds on the innovations of Web 2.0, which pioneered online interactivity.

Interestingly, the definition of Web 2.0 is not limited to a single platform or toolset. The focus of web2 is on how people interact with the network. Web 2.0 provides a “read-write” internet, where website visitors can do more than just read the content on the page. With web2, people can participate in discussions, create content, and share with others. Web 2.0 has been successful in all aspects that matter to end users.

Web 3.0 improves on the reading and writing methods of web2 by providing a “read-write-execute” setting. The emphasis is on giving users more say over their data and making network interactions as natural as possible, like talking to someone. Most importantly, it motivates users to actively contribute to the development of the network rather than passively.

Why is Web 3.0 special?

One possible answer to the question “What is web3 in simple terms?” is provided by the history of the internet, highlighting the importance of interactivity. Many of you may be puzzled by the failure of web2 to deliver. Web 2.0 sites and programs encourage user participation and collaboration. However, websites and applications have not yet developed to the extent that they can communicate with users and understand what they need. By adopting preventive approaches based on state-of-the-art language processing and machine learning, Web3 offers a reasonable upgrade in this area. Web3 can enable parts of the internet to operate autonomously and ask users for their preferences through specific services.

01.Why is Web3 less decentralized?

It is worth noting that Web3 is still in its early stages of development and is not yet fully decentralized. Before Web3 is truly seen as a decentralized version of the internet, there are still some challenges and limitations to overcome.

Some reasons why Web3 is not completely decentralized include:

  • Centralized Infrastructure: Although blockchain networks are decentralized, the infrastructure that supports them, such as servers, data centers, and internet service providers, is still centralized.

  • Limited Scalability: Blockchain networks currently face scalability issues, which limit the number of transactions that can be processed on the network.

  • Limited User Adoption: Most internet users still do not use decentralized applications, which means that the network is not fully decentralized yet.

  • Limited Interoperability: Current Web3 platforms and applications are not fully interoperable, which limits their ability to communicate with each other and with existing networks.

  • Limited Privacy and Security: Some current Web3 applications and platforms do not provide the same level of security and privacy as centralized platforms.

02. Web 4.0 – Internet of Everything

In the next twenty years, all devices may have internet access as a standard – from cars to refrigerators to mattresses. The concept of the Internet of Everything (IoE) expands on the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT refers to the network connection of physical objects, while IoE extends it to include people and processes.

Network and computing may soon become widespread in every room of every house and every car on the road. While there may be some theoretical benefits to the Internet of Everything, there are also potential drawbacks. Some potential dangers include:

  1. New devices (such as wearables and household appliances) may allow more access to private information.

  2. Consumers should use multi-layered defenses.

  3. The attack surface (or potential entry points) will increase.

  4. Newly connected devices may introduce malware and other security vulnerabilities into previously secure networks.

03. What do we see in Web4?

1) Industry 4.0 Automation

2) Decentralized Sustainable Metaverse + AR + VR

3) Artificial Intelligence entering decentralized field

4) Truly decentralized applications and economies

5) Truly empowering users

04. Where are the opportunities in Web 4.0?

Web 4.0 provides rich possibilities for companies and individuals. Symbiotic networks will be able to create more personalized experiences, enabling businesses to better understand customers and provide tailored content.

AI-driven automation will improve efficiency, speed up time to market, and reduce costs, giving businesses a competitive advantage and better customer service.

The combination of hardware, software, and data will facilitate the development of new products and services, such as connected devices that interact with users and collect personalized data.

Web 4.0 also opens up new sources of revenue through the collection of data, such as targeted advertising or subscription services.

In addition, VR and AR applications will provide new ways for businesses to interact with customers, such as creating AR applications that allow customers to interact with products in a 3D space.

05. Why is Web4 more decentralized?

Web4 is more decentralized because its goal is to distribute power and control among users, rather than being centralized in a small group of companies or organizations. This is achieved through the use of technologies such as blockchain and peer-to-peer networks.

Blockchain technology is a decentralized distributed digital ledger that can be used to create decentralized platforms and applications controlled by users instead of centralized organizations.

This makes data processing more transparent and secure, and can also enable new business models, such as decentralized markets.

Peer-to-peer networks allow direct connections between users instead of relying on centralized servers, which also contributes to the decentralization of the internet.

This enables new forms of content sharing, collaboration, and communication that are not controlled by centralized organizations.

In addition, Web4 aims to provide users with higher security and privacy, resistance to censorship, interoperability, new business models and economic opportunities, enhanced scalability, and improved accessibility, all of which contribute to a more decentralized network.

06. Web 5.0 – Open, Connected, Intelligent Network = Emotional Network

Considering the significant changes made in previous versions of the web, one must question the motivations behind the release of Web 5.0. But first, let us accurately define Web 5.0 so that we have a firm grasp of its functionalities. The design of Web 5.0 aims to create a decentralized network platform that provides freedom and tools for developing such applications.

The primary task of Web 5.0 is to give users back access rights and ownership of data. Web 5.0 is still in its early stages of development. These experts believe that Web 5.0 is more of a merger of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

If you can get the same functionality from web3 blockchain, why bother with web5 blockchain? Besides introducing emotional intelligence, Web 5.0 will also build a decentralized network platform with semantic capabilities. The goal of Web 5.0 is to facilitate humanized interaction with artificial intelligence, which is ambitious.

When considering examples of Web 5.0, the possibilities are endless, such as websites that map people’s emotions. Facial recognition can create emotion maps when users listen to the website through headphones. The website can detect users’ emotions and respond accordingly to their behavior.

Comparison: Web3 and Web5

The overall goal of Web5 is similar to Web3, but each has its unique functionalities. The core concept of Web3 applications is the implementation of smart contracts on public blockchains such as Ethereum. The term “decentralized applications” (DApps) is often used to describe web3. The software that powers them is hosted on distributed ledgers called blockchains.

On the other hand, one of the characteristics of Web5 is that the non-blockchain-based DWA can still communicate with DWN. This creates a decentralized, blockchain-independent peer-to-peer relay network.

Web5 allows you to have complete control over the information stored on DWN. On the other hand, web3 utilizes a distributed file system called IPFS to achieve decentralized data distribution and storage, keeping its information saved in a peer-to-peer network.

01.When will Web5 be available to the public?

Web5 is currently an ongoing open-source project. The team still needs more time to determine when and how to implement web5. Manager Mike Brock recently stated that there will not be web5 investment tokens.

02.Web5 is the decentralized internet we need

Web5 is the next generation of the World Wide Web. It has not been fully realized yet, but it is already close enough to the next generation of web browsers and services to give a glimpse of its brilliance.

The web5 team has been developing this free open-source software for a long time, which demonstrates this point. This concept is still in its early stages, and its developers and early adopters are working hard to improve it. The possibility of more people using web5 increases its integration into everyday life.

By: Metaverse Marketing ComLianGuainy


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