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Ripple wins a stage victory, XRP security status undetermined, SEC may continue to appeal.

On July 13th local time, US Federal Judge Analisa Torres ruled that Ripple Labs Inc did not violate federal securities laws by selling XRP…

Ripple wins partial victory, XRP security status remains undecided, SEC may continue appeal

On July 13th local time, US federal judge Analisa Torres ruled that Ripple Labs Inc.'s sale of XRP tokens on public exchanges and through…

What does the legal document filed by Gemini against DCG say?

What did Gemini, DCG, and Gemini's lawsuit against DCG say? The blocking, DCG's 5 charges, and Gemini's 6 major demands. Gemini, a cryptocurrency exchange,…

Gemini joint venture issues “final warning,” has DCG founder’s “deadline” passed?

DCG, Gemini, and the Gemini Consortium issue a "final warning". Has the deadline for DCG founder passed? The ongoing drama of "blocking" continues...

Shutting down TradeBlock: DCG’s desperate survival plan

According to Bloomberg, Digital Currency Group (DCG) will shut down its institutional trading platform, TradeBlock, on May 31. The platform provides trading services to…

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