In addition to Worldcoin, which other Web3 identity authentication projects are worth paying attention to?

Author: Biteye Core Contributor Crush

Editor: Biteye Core Contributor Crush

Community: @BiteyeCN

With the growing army of airdrops, project parties are becoming more cautious about the distribution of airdrops. The popular project Worldcoin in recent days is a good example.

Although first-tier exchanges such as OKX and Binance have announced the listing of its token $WLD, as a project that aims to distribute airdrops to all of humanity, Worldcoin faces a heavier burden in preventing witch attacks, which has led to much controversy over iris authentication.

In addition, the recently concluded Linea testnet activity also introduced identity authentication to prevent witch attacks. Users who complete identity authentication can receive an additional 2500 points.

The project party’s attitude towards witches is already evident. Completing account authentication has become a compulsory course for every project participant. Today, this article will introduce several popular identity authentication and witch prevention projects.

01, World ID


Worldcoin is a cryptocurrency project founded by Sam Altman, the founder of OpenAI, in 2020. Its goal is to use blockchain technology to establish an open-source protocol for global financial fairness and inclusiveness.

With the popularity of ChatGPT, this 2020 project has gradually become known to people. However, in June of the same year, Worldcoin obtained a valuation of 1 billion US dollars and raised 25 million US dollars in financing. The investment lineup is luxurious, including Digital Currency Group, Coinbase Ventures, a16z, Multicoin Capital, and LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman and FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.

In late March 2021, Worldcoin obtained a valuation of 3 billion US dollars and raised 100 million US dollars in financing.

Currently, there are still many people in many countries who do not have legal identities. What Worldcoin wants to do is to provide these people with a unique digital identity.

The goal is to create a digital economy that anyone can participate in and ultimately benefit from this decentralized collective ownership.

In order to achieve this goal, the first step is to have enough people using its tokens, so conducting token airdrops is an essential operation.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Worldcoin wants to carry out such a large-scale airdrop, and the task of preventing witch attacks it faces is bound to be more burdensome. Therefore, they directly introduced hardcore authentication and directly confirmed the real identity of users through their iris information.

Worldcoin consists of three parts: tokens, World ID (DID), and World APP (wallet). World ID is used to verify the unique identity of users and prevent witch attacks, and World APP is used to receive airdrops of $WLD.

Currently, there are many methods of real person verification, such as face, fingerprint, and genetic verification. Worldcoin adopts iris verification, focusing on its uniqueness and anti-fraud capabilities. In short, it is more difficult to forge iris.

The promotion and operation of World ID are relatively simple. Worldcoin has launched an iris detection device called Orb, and then recruited local agents in various countries. After assessment and training, Orb is distributed to these agents, who are responsible for completing iris collection tasks.

The more iris collected by the agents, the more rewards they will receive. In addition, users will receive small gifts and token rewards each time their iris is collected, so the overall effect of their offline promotion is quite good.

Due to the hardcore nature of its identity verification, it cannot be completed without Orb. Moreover, as the collection of user biometric information is highly sensitive, many countries prohibit institutions from collecting user biometric information without authorization and taking this information out of the country.

Therefore, the biggest obstacle to iris authentication at present is the number of Orbs and compliance restrictions of sovereign countries.

Worldcoin plans to increase the number of Orbs to 1500 in the summer and autumn of this year, and will also launch World ID in more countries and regions, such as the United States, Mexico, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Singapore, etc.

Projects currently using World ID:

  • Worldcoin

  • Lens Protocol – Web3 social graph


Since the authentication of World ID requires the collection of iris with Orb, if your country or region is not supported by Worldcoin, you will still be unable to obtain World ID. Therefore, here we will only explain the operable parts and the basic principles of authentication.

First, users need to download their wallet, World APP, which is currently available on major app stores.

After installing the wallet, you will be prompted to choose whether to create a new wallet or import an existing one. When creating a new wallet, you will also be asked to verify your mobile phone number, but you can choose to skip and verify later.

If you verify immediately, you need to turn off the VPN. After verification, you will receive 25 $WLD tokens.

The basic principle of verification is that when creating a new wallet, you will receive a key pair, including a private key and a public key. The user provides the public key to the iris detection device Orb for detection. Orb will calculate an IrisHash unique identifier based on the collected iris image using an algorithm.

When there is no IrisHash in the database, it means that the user is registering for the first time. Only through this verification can the user successfully register a new World ID.

02, Gitcoin LianGuaissport


Gitcoin LianGuaissport should be the most well-known identity verification system. Gitcoin is an open-source donation project based on Ethereum, whose main purpose is to help raise funds for some open-source projects and build a bridge between projects and users.

Gitcoin was founded in 2017 by American engineer and entrepreneur Kevin Owocki. In April 2021, it received $11.3 million in financing from LianGuairadigm, and in November of the same year, it received $500,000 raised by the Ethereum Foundation.

As a donation platform, Gitcoin has raised early funds for many excellent projects, and these projects have also distributed airdrops to donating users, such as GTC, ENS, BrightID, etc.

Due to the easy access to project airdrops through donation behavior, there have been a large number of users who donate for airdrops. Therefore, Gitcoin LianGuaissport came into being.

Gitcoin LianGuaissport is a Web3 identity verification aggregator used to prevent witch attacks. It can collect verifiable credentials to prove user identity and credibility while protecting user privacy.

In Gitcoin’s secondary donation mechanism, there is a concept of matching donations. When users make donations, Gitcoin’s funding pool will also match a portion of the funds to the project based on the number of donors to the project.

Only when the Gitcoin LianGuaissport score exceeds 21.76 points can it qualify for matching donations.

With the increase of Gitcoin’s influence, its LianGuaissport has gradually been accepted by other project parties, such as the new public chain Linea mentioned above.

In the future, the operations of some projects will likely require Gitcoin LianGuaissport scores as thresholds. As users, it is also necessary for us to complete the corresponding authentication tasks.

Projects using Gitcoin LianGuaissport:

  • Donation platform Gitcoin

  • Layer 2 public chain Linea

  • Layer 2 public chain Taiko

  • Decentralized social graph protocol CyberConnect

  • Currency exchange platform Shapeshift

  • The first DEX on Linea, EchoDEX


The overall operation of Gitcoin LianGuaissport is relatively simple. Open their official website to see all the tasks clearly.

After each task is completed, a corresponding score will be given, such as binding a Google account, Facebook account, or Discord account.

Based on the completion of these tasks, Gitcoin gives an overall rating of the user’s authenticity. The higher the score, the more trustworthy your wallet address is.

If other projects adopt the Gitcoin LianGuaissport score, then when you interact with this project, the higher the score, the lower the probability of being considered a witch.

For specific scores for each task and strategies to obtain a score of 20 or higher at the lowest cost, you can refer to the mind map and guide previously launched by Biteye.

“A diagram to teach you how to save money quickly and improve the Gitcoin LianGuaissport score”

“Gitcoin LianGuaissport latest verification guide”

03, Nomis


Nomis is a reputation project on-chain that suddenly became popular a few days ago. It was launched by the Web3 credential data network Galxe and aims to establish an open Web3 on-chain data reputation system using the transparency of blockchain.

In airdrop activities, witch users often profit in various ways, causing great trouble to project parties and community members.

Although the blockchain has its own transparency and can see these witch users transferring the same amount of tokens between multiple wallets, this information is useless without proper tools.

As such a tool, Nomis uses a custom wallet scoring model to evaluate the eligibility of addresses for airdrops. The score is based on more than 30 parameters and takes into account different types of wallet activities.

Through this model, project parties can customize parameters and weights to calculate the user’s score, and once the user’s score falls below a specific level, they can be clearly marked as a witch.

Nomis always believes that even if the owner of the wallet is not a witch, using tools like Nomis can greatly reduce the workload of manual review.

Similarly, although it is impossible to change the minds of witch users, at least their operations can be invalidated, which is what Nomis is trying to do.

The reason why this project became popular is related to the current hot Layer 2 public chain zkSync. Just when everyone is interacting with zkSync, the zkSync official suddenly retweeted Nomis’ tweet, causing panic, and many people started to worry that zkSync will also vigorously crack down on witch accounts.

Nomis also released relevant articles, stating that they are the first identity protocol deployed on zkSync, which is significant for them.

Instead of worrying about the project team starting to catch witches, it is wiser to be prepared in advance and improve the score, which is a more sensible choice.

Projects using Nomis:

  • Web3 credential data network Galxe

  • Layer 2 public chain zkSync

Open the official website and you can see the comprehensive scores of our bound wallets on the left. Users with scores above 40 can mint the Score SBT on the right. This SBT costs money. In other words, 40 points may be a passing score.

If you want to improve the score here, you can see the components of the score below, in the Stats section.

According to the description on the right, we can basically summarize the following operations to improve the score:

  • Increase wallet funds
  • Increase transaction volume
  • Increase transaction frequency
  • Increase the number of wallet NFTs
  • Increase the total value of NFTs

In addition to some operations of the project itself, the article mentioned above about zkSync’s launch, published by the official on Mirror, can also be minted as a commemorative moment. Optimism’s transaction fees are very cheap, about 0.1U, and currently only 28 people have minted it.

04, Degenscore


Degenscore is a decentralized identity system based on on-chain behavior. Unlike Nomis, it does not support multiple chains. Degenscore’s score is entirely based on behavior on the Ethereum mainnet.

Users with scores above 700 can mint a Degenscore Beacon SBT, but it is not easy to reach 700 points.

Although it is difficult, once certified by Degenscore, there are still many benefits.

Many projects will cooperate with Degenscore and provide whitelist benefits to users, etc. The most well-known example is the whitelist of Lens, which was valued at around 270U at its peak.

Projects using Degenscore:

  • Web3 Social Graph Lens Protocol

  • Web3 social APP Phaver based on Lens

  • Cross-chain bridge Via Protocol

  • On-chain identity visualization project PHI

  • Wallet project XDEFI Wallet

and so on…

Degenscore has many collaborative projects, which can be checked on the official website. Most of the projects listed in Cafe adopt Degenscore.


When Degenscore’s official website opens, the Cafe interface appears. It includes Opportunities, Abilities, and Jobs, which straightforwardly tells users the benefits of holding Beacon.

  • Opportunities: Beacon holders can experience the beta functions of these collaborative projects in advance
  • Abilities: Beacon holders have special rights in collaborative projects
  • Jobs: Beacon holders can get priority job opportunities in recommended projects and companies

Click on Beacon in the menu bar above, and select Overview to see the application interface. The minting process is simple, and the only requirement is that the address must have a score of over 700.

It’s easy to increase the score. Just find the Leadrboard under the Beacon in the top menu bar and interact with the projects that the top 100 high-score users have interacted with.

Since it is operated on the mainnet, users need to prepare some ETH as GAS.

05, Sismo


Sismo is an on-chain reputation project based on zero-knowledge proof. It is said to be a project started by a former employee of Aave. It completed a $10 million financing in December 2021.

It has a strong lineup of investors, including Framework Ventures, Delphi Digital, Fabric Ventures, Global Coin Research, Seed Club Ventures, and more.

One of its major features is that users can prove ownership of certain assets without disclosing their wallet addresses.

This is highly attractive to users who want to demonstrate their strength but are afraid of privacy leaks. For example, Vitalik, the founder of Ethereum, mentioned in his blog that he is very optimistic about the identity ecosystem and gave an example. Sismo is a project he specifically mentioned.

So how does Sismo solve this problem? In the world of encryption, many users don’t just have one wallet. For example, one wallet has 100 ETH and another wallet has 100 UNI. When I participate in the corresponding meeting, I need to present asset proofs separately.

There are two problems here. One is that I need to disclose my two addresses, which compromises privacy. The other is that I need to present asset proofs twice, which is cumbersome.

In the official introduction of Sismo, the concept of single sign-on is mentioned. It means that users only need to log in once, and other places can be verified without logging in. For example, once you log in to your Google account, Gmail, YouTube, Google Translate, Google Docs, and other services will automatically log in, without the need for users to repeatedly enter account passwords.

Sismo’s badge serves this purpose. Users only need to go through one verification process to generate a badge, which can be sent to a new address without any assets.

In this way, even if the new address does not have the asset, with this badge, it can still prove your identity on the chain. And because the badges are all on one address, users do not need to use multiple wallets for multiple verifications.

Projects that adopt Sismo:

  • Web3 privacy layer Aztec

  • Multi-chain DeFi aggregator rhinofi


The current operation of Sismo is to obtain badges. There are mainly two types of badges, one is the official badge, and the other is the badge issued by third parties, such as the badge that users can claim from G15 donations.

Open the link above, the first thing you will see is the G15 badge. If you can’t find it, you can search for keywords in the search box on the left.

Go to the badge details page and claim it directly. If the wallet does not meet the requirements, you will be asked to switch to another wallet.

Currently, many badges have time limitations, and there are relatively few badges that can be claimed. After Sismo is updated, it also provides the function of creating badges.

Open the website below and click “Create a Data Group” to create your own badge. Although self-created badges may not have much weight, it can be considered as an experience of the project.

06. Summary

The projects mentioned above are just a few examples of identity verification in the field and there are many other similar projects:

  • Binance Account Bound (BAB): Used for identity verification of Binance wallet accounts, completed KYC is required, threshold for Binance-related projects
  • Galxe LianGuaissport: Passports launched by Galxe, completed KYC is required, threshold for some projects on Galxe
  • Debank: A multi-chain integrated DeFi wallet, recently launched badge functionality, also has its own WEB3 ID, but requires a payment of $96

Summary of the above five projects:

1. World ID is currently facing the biggest controversy. From the perspective of anti-witchcraft, its iris authentication can filter out the majority of witches. However, the collection of users’ biometric information is a highly sensitive operation. Although Worldcoin claims that it will not store users’ iris images and will delete these images once the algorithm is optimized, it is still uncertain when the optimization will happen and whether there will be leaks during the collection process by local agents.

At the same time, due to the limited number of Orbs, the efficiency of off-chain verification is far lower than on-chain. Therefore, whether World ID is a reliable, effective, and secure identity authentication tool still needs to be verified.

2. The most widely used project should be Gitcoin LianGuaissport. It uses a large number of tasks to verify users’ identities, both on-chain and off-chain. The evaluation of user identity is relatively comprehensive and reliable.

In the future, many projects are likely to adopt its verification as a tool to filter out witches. Users who want to obtain airdrops should pay more attention to and improve their scores on Gitcoin LianGuaissport.

3. Nomis is the simplest and most cost-effective to operate. Users do not need to complete various tasks, they just need to perform more operations, save more money, and buy more NFTs on the chain to improve their overall score.

Moreover, it is a multi-chain comprehensive score, and users can operate on Layer 2 chains, which not only saves money but also provides a more diverse evaluation of users.

4. The most difficult and costly to operate is probably Degenscore. It not only has many tasks but also requires operations on the mainnet. Users may need to prepare a considerable amount of fees to support interactions, resulting in high costs.

Although the volume of funds can to some extent determine the authenticity of an address, for a project, the premise of filtering out real users is authenticity, not just the amount of funds.

Using Degenscore as a tool to judge witches will result in serious distortion of results. In the author’s opinion, Degenscore is more like a club for the wealthy, or as its name suggests, a Degen (experienced, heavy user) club. Therefore, ordinary users do not need to be too obsessed with their scores.

5. Finally, Sismo has the advantage of using zero-knowledge proof and focusing on privacy protection. However, Sismo is still in the relatively early stage, with few collaborative projects and its technical roadmap is changing. Therefore, there may not be many things that users can experience. For now, users can try to collect badges or use its badge creation function, and keep an eye on its latest developments.

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