Evening Must-Read | RWA to Go Live Soon Frax’s Future Product Plan and Potential Impact

1. Founder of Eclipse: Some Misunderstandings about RaaS

At Eclipse, we are building a customizable specific application rollup infrastructure to support verticals such as gaming & social, DePIN, and DeFi. We have been working on this for about 10 months, and I think it is necessary to clarify some misunderstandings. Here are some thoughts on specific application rollups. Click to read

2. Review of August Token Unlocking Information: Which Ones Are Worth Paying Attention To

In August this year, there will be a total of 23 unlocking events. Among them, the unlocking of tokens such as SAND, AVAX, and APT are worth our attention. Click to read

3. Exploring the Hidden Corners of USDT: Drug Trafficking, Online Gambling, Money Laundering

Recently, a “fraud prevention film” called “All In” set against the backdrop of northern Myanmar has been released, which has also brought attention to the cryptocurrency mentioned in the film, Kusama. It also focuses people’s attention on the connection between crypto and the dark industry. This is not something new. Years ago, “USDT money laundering” became a key target for law enforcement. This article takes you into the hidden corners of USDT. Click to read

4. RWA Launching Soon: Future Product Planning and Potential Impact of Frax

FXS has received positive market feedback due to FraxLend’s dynamic interest rate design to protect borrowers during the CRV controversy. At the same time, Sam, the founder of Frax Protocol, initiated a governance proposal on August 4th to advance RWA business, which also attracted some market attention. This article aims to outline Frax’s future product planning (FRAX V3, frxETH V2, and Fraxchain) and analyze the potential impact. Click to read

5. PayLianGuail USD Cannot Threaten USDT

In 2021, LianGuaiyLianGuail announced its support for using Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies for payments in the United States, adding fuel to the bull market at that time. However, it was rarely mentioned afterwards.

In 2023, LianGuaiyLianGuail announced the launch of the USD stablecoin LianGuaiyLianGuail USD (PYUSD), which will be gradually provided to LianGuaiyLianGuail customers in the United States. It can be exchanged for US dollars at any time and can also be used to buy and sell other cryptocurrencies offered by LianGuaiyLianGuail on its platform, including Bitcoin. So, can the new PYUSD challenge the position of established stablecoins like USDT with its global influence and extensive payment channels? Click to read

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